- by Sara
- on February 18, 2023
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- filed under Videos
Isabel recently sat down with one of her favorite people, Zach Bush, to discuss human behaviour, flow and miracles, and so much more! The interview is almost an hour long, which is nice when we’ve been without new Izzy content for so long. Our gallery will be updated with screen captures soon, but for now, enjoy the video below!
Applying the rigor of science, strength of humanity, and the intelligence of nature to transform our health and our world @zachbushmd’s experiences as a triple board certified physician, specialising in endocrinology and the gut microbiome, lead him on a journey to study the intelligence of nature and develop his own methodology of intrinsic health.
Using the lens of environmentalism and activism in a multitude of projects that focus on ecology, regenerative agriculture and well-being, and advocating for soil health & food independence, @zachbushmd founded @farmersfootprint in the USA, a grassroots movement that evaluates the impact of monocrop farming and pesticide reliance on chronic disease and planetary health.
Recently launched, @farmersfootprintaustralia looks to tell the stories of our regenerative farmers who are exploring evidence-based solutions to rebuild the living biodiversity of our world.
We appreciate you tuning in, enjoy.
- by Sara
- on January 13, 2022
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- filed under Videos
I just came across a new-old video of Isabel when browsing YouTube today and thought I should share it with you! The video was filmed at a festival in July August 2016, but was just uploaded to the site a couple of weeks ago. Isabel looks beautiful!
Update by Ann: Seeing the video Sara posted, I realized I saved some photos of Izzy at that festival last year which I never added to the gallery! They’ve been added now, and you can find the link below the video.
- by Sara
- on January 06, 2022
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- filed under Gallery Home and Away Screencaps Tasha Thursdays Videos
It’s Tasha Thursday again! Screencaps of Isabel from the episodes ranging between #3614 and #3631 have now been added (9 featured Tasha in total). Most of this batch is unfortunately extremely low quality, but it’s the best we can find from this era of the show. With the episodes airing over 15 years ago, I think we’re lucky just to have them at all! These episodes saw Tasha getting a crush on Josh, believing that he felt the same way about her. More information about the episodes will be up in our episode guide, which should be ready next week. We will try to recap most of Tasha’s scenes from the episodes we add caps from each week, so stay tuned for that.
We’ve also updated our video archives with the 2003 intro credits and all of Tasha’s scenes from episode #3631. If you want us to add clips from a specific episode, just get in touch with us! We can’t add all due to server space, but we’ll try to add some each week.

- by Sara
- on December 16, 2021
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- filed under Gallery Home and Away Screencaps Tasha Thursdays Videos
When we started building Unicorn, we originally wanted to launch the website 100% complete – in other words, having photos and screen captures from all of Isabel’s projects. However, she was on the soap Home & Away for 3 years, which is over 2000 episodes! We eventually decided to launch the site without her HAA episodes, and rather add them with time. That’s how we came up with… Tasha Thursdays! Every Thursday, we will add screen captures of Isabel as Tasha from the next couple of episodes she was in. We have been able to get a hold of all her episodes (with the exception of 3579 and 3580), and each week we will add new caps. The amount of episodes will depend on our spare time that week, but it will usually be around 5-10 episodes. In addition, we’ll add videos from some of Isabel’s scenes, graphics and episode information to our episode guide the weeks where we have additional free time. I hope you’ll all enjoy this regular feature here at Unicorn, and come join us to celebrate Isabel’s introduction to acting every week!
For our first Tasha Thursday, we’ve added screencaps from Isabel’s first episodes on the show – 3564 to 3581 (minus the two mentioned above). These aren’t the best quality due to their age, but it’s great to see Isabel’s first acting scenes anyway! I’ve added two clips to our video archive as well for those who want to check out her very first talking scenes. She really was adorable as Tasha, and it’s fun to see how much she has grown as an actress since she first started out. Enjoy!

Home & Away (2003-2006) > Screencaptures > Episodes 2003 > Episode #3566 – #3570
Home & Away (2003-2006) > Screencaptures > Episodes 2003 > Episode #3571 – #3575
Home & Away (2003-2006) > Screencaptures > Episodes 2003 > Episode #3581
- by Sara
- on November 29, 2021
- with 0 Comments
- filed under Instagram Videos
Isabel posted a new video on her Instagram today, showing herself frolicking around the beach in Byron! The clip is visually gorgeous, and features the beautiful song “Stand by Me” by Tracy Chapman. Accompanying the new clip, Izzy shared a message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous Elder, with her video, which you can read below.
‘This moment humanity is going through can be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole.’ ‘Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You don’t help at all by being sad and without energy. It helps if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists.’ ‘Also, when the storm passes, you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world. You need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration.’ Message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous Elder (16/3/2020). Song by Tracy Chapman – Stand By Me