- by Sara
- on March 17, 2022
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- filed under Activism Instagram
Hello Izzy fans! We haven’t been able to find any new Isabel news/videos/photos lately, so we’ve taken her time off to get a small break ourselves. For those who don’t follow Isabel on Instagram, she has been very busy the last few weeks helping out in the flooded areas in Queensland and NSW. They’ve been hit with some catastrophic floods, which has resulted in many people losing their lives, their homes and all their possessions. Isabel has used her platform to encourage people to help if they’re able to, as well as to inform people in affected areas how they can seek help themselves. Several small organisations have been created to help those who are affected, and the community spirit shown through Isabel’s stories have been incredible.
I’m attaching an article from The Guardian which explains how you can help below, but if you would rather 1) help on the ground yourself, or 2) donate to smaller charities who show through their social media accounts exactly how your donations are spent, I recommend checking out Isabel’s pinned Instagram stories “floods”.
Isabel also seems to have adopted two dogs, and have encouraged others who are able to, to do the same. With the animal shelters being hit by the floods, there are unfortunately many animals without a safe home at the moment.
Is it better to donate to established charities such as the Red Cross or to crowdfunding campaigns? And should you give money, or goods?
More than $13m has been donated to support those affected by the devastating floods in Queensland and New South Wales, and most of the money has been directed towards peer-to-peer fundraising efforts such as GoFundMe. Many of those crowdfunding campaigns have been set up by people living in the flooded regions to cover urgent costs and fund relief and rescue efforts, including more than $20,000 raised to run a rescue helicopter.
Since 24 February, more than $9.6m has been donated across 1,700 fundraisers on the peer to peer platform GoFundMe. About 22% of all donations has been directed towards fundraisers based in the NSW northern rivers region. In Mullumbimby alone, 50 different campaigns have raised a total of $400,000.
One fundraiser, which aimed to deliver food to those affected by the floods across the region, raised $173,834 before turning off donations – far outstripping its fundraising goal of $5,000. But as the waters begin to subside and formal relief agencies move in to begin the long process of helping communities recover, those community-run efforts are being replaced by formal charities.
As of 9 March, the Red Cross Queensland and NSW flood appeal has raised $3.86m, and St Vincent de Paul has raised $162,000. The Salvation Army, which is aiming to raise $10m for flood relief, has repurposed $1m of funds from its Red Shield Appeal to begin initial recovery efforts.
So what should you do if you want to help? Read More
- by Sara
- on February 12, 2022
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- filed under Bosch & Rockit Instagram News & Press
We posted last week that Isabel’s film Bosch & Rockit would have its US premiere at the 2022 Mammoth Film Festival (sadly Isabel was not in attendance herself). The film screened to some great reviews, and won the festival’s Grand Jury Prize! You can read Isabel’s Instagram post about the award below.
The film is set to be released sometime this year, so keep checking back and we’ll update you as soon as we get an official release date.
I’m truly delighted for our beautiful indie film @boschandrockit for taking home the Grand Jury Prize at @mammothfilmfestival this week.
Congratulations to the entire family, everyone who helped catalyse and bring the story to life!
Especially to the boys, @rasmusking and @hemsworthluke, you gave all your heart and one can feel it in the film. Tyler Atkins, congratulations on your a directorial debut and inspiring people with your courageous life-story.
Thank you to @mammothfilmfestival for supporting heartfelt stories and indie filmmakers. We are grateful to receive this from our US peers.
- by Sara
- on November 29, 2021
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- filed under Instagram Videos
Isabel posted a new video on her Instagram today, showing herself frolicking around the beach in Byron! The clip is visually gorgeous, and features the beautiful song “Stand by Me” by Tracy Chapman. Accompanying the new clip, Izzy shared a message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous Elder, with her video, which you can read below.
‘This moment humanity is going through can be seen as a portal and as a hole. The decision to fall into the hole or go through the portal is up to you. If they repent of the problem and consume the news 24 hours a day, with little energy, nervous all the time, with pessimism, they will fall into the hole.’ ‘Don’t feel guilty about being happy during this difficult time. You don’t help at all by being sad and without energy. It helps if good things emanate from the Universe now. It is through joy that one resists.’ ‘Also, when the storm passes, you will be very important in the reconstruction of this new world. You need to be well and strong. And, for that, there is no other way than to maintain a beautiful, happy and bright vibration.’ Message from White Eagle, Hopi Indigenous Elder (16/3/2020). Song by Tracy Chapman – Stand By Me
- by Ann
- on June 15, 2021
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- filed under Instagram