PSP® Commercial - "Find Me" from 2006, featuring Isabel. The song is "Out of Control" by Isabel's friend Kenna.
Broll footage: Isabel Lucas on the red carpet at the "Immortals" World Premiere held at NOKIA Theatre at L.A. LIVE in Los Angeles, Ca USA November 7, 2011
Interview with actress Isabel Lucas on Immortals, the epic scale, the cast, and the story. The interview was conducted at WonderCon in San Francisco, CA.
June 7, 2017. Interview with Isabel on the red carpet at the Sydney Film Festival.
Popular Australian film actress and environmentalist Isabel Lucas famous in Australia as Tasha Andrews on the TV series "Home And Away" and internationally known for her award winning performance in sci-fi film "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" recently attended a PEM workshop at PEM Australia Studios in Melbourne. Watch her interview about her experience here.
Isabel Lucas discusses her role in Tarsem Singh's epic film IMMORTALS.
Actress - Isabel Lucas, Director - Alice Foulcher, DoP - Gregory Erdstein, Music - James Branson
Actor and dolphin advocate Isabel Lucas speaks out against dolphin captivity in an Australia-first television ad for Action for Dolphins.
Home and Away clip from 2004. Rob is having computer troubles, Tasha is having other problems.
Isabel Lucas, Bill Hunter and Ashton Holmes feature in a scene from 'The Pacific' film. Produced by Steven Spielburg and Tom Hanks. HBO mini series. A sequel similar to 'Band of Brothers'.