Behind the scenes of Isabel Lucas' photoshoot for the Spell Gypsy Collective, Seashell (2019).
Isabel's category at the 2009 Spike TV's Scream Awards, where she won the breakthrough female award for Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
October 29, 2011. Australian beauty Isabel Lucas plays a goddess in 'Immortals', and after her visit to the Young Hollywood Studio, we know why! The soft-spoken actress does a little "chinwagging" with us as she describes the harrowing fight scenes on set and her amazing Athena costume.
Isabel Lucas is interviewed on Sunrise TV, Australia for her upcoming film 'The wedding Party'.
Isabel Lucas on the TODAY Show about Japanese Whaling
Isabel Lucas, Dave Rastovich and Hannah Mermaid on the Morning Show to talk about Japanese Whaling
A lifelong love for animals and preserving natural habitats would lead to her spokesperson role for ending the slaughter of dolphins and whales, while adopting a personal vegan lifestyle. Alfa Vedic has a great chat with Isabel Lucas, and as always, within a solution-based context relevant to current global issues.
Sonia Kruger interviews Isabel Lucas who is now technically a fugitive after the Japanese issued an arrest warrant for her 'crime' of protesting against Japan's slaughter of dolphins in the killing cove near the whaling village of Taiji. Isabel joined "Heroes" star Hayden Panettiere and other surfers in the protest.
Isabel Lucas interview on ROVE (live in studio with Rove McManus) promoting her movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Interview with Isabel about Immortals at the 2011 WonderCon Day 2 (April 2, 2011). The interview was conducted at WonderCon in San Francisco, CA