The battle for Earth continues in this action-packed blockbuster from director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg. When college-bound Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers, he must accept his destiny and join Optimus Prime and Bumblebee in their epic battle against the Decepticons, who have returned stronger than ever with a plan to destroy our world.
Isabel’s Character
Source | Alice is the kind of girl you wish you met in college. She’s pretty, has… prominent mammalian characteristics, is incredibly forward about what she wants, and lives next door to Leo Spitz and Sam Witwicky in Hamilton Hall. She’s really interested in Sam. It’s a bit suspicious, really; maybe she’s just pretending?
Leo pointed out Alice to Sam as he was moving into the dorms at Princeton University. Leo explained to Sam that he had a thing for the bounteously endowed blonde, and he wanted to make sure Sam knew it so he didn’t steal her away. Later that night, Leo had dragged Sam to a fraternity party, where the wayward Witwicky became engrossed in writing Cyberglyphics symbols in the cake frosting. This caught Alice’s eye, and she decided she simply had to strike up a conversation with the boy who’d just accidentally stuck chocolate frosting in his ear. Though Sam protested against her rather forceful advances, she ignored his pleas until her attempt at seduction was interrupted by the timely arrival of Bumblebee on the fraternity house’s lawn. Sam appeared grateful for the reprieve until Alice invited herself for a ride. Bumblebee tried his best to warn Sam by monkey-wrenching her attempts at conversation with Sam during the ride, but eventually got frustrated and went the expedient route of dousing her in antifreeze. Alice got out and left in a huff.
Later on, Alice made her way to Sam’s dorm room to talk to him without the meddling yellow one around. En route she was engaged by Leo, who again proclaimed his desires for her and offered her a meat-laden pizza. She icily ignored him, finding the true object of her desires when the dorm room’s door was opened to reveal Sam, who had covered every flat surface in it with Cyberglyphic symbols. Leo, figuring out what was to come next, asked if he could at least watch. Alice summarily shut the door in his face. Once again giving Sam the hard-sell, she forced him onto the bed and began probing his oral region with her tongue. Meanwhile, an entirely different probing appendage snaked out from beneath her skirt. Stealthily retracting the metallic tentacle when Mikaela Banes burst in, Alice waited until the human had left, and then proceeded to extrude it again and wrap it about Sam’s neck, closing off his windpipe. Mikaela returned, hearing Sam’s strangled cries, and dislodged Alice by throwing the toolbox containing Wheelie at her. Leo returned at this point, only to flee as Alice transformed into a robotic war machine!
Alice chased the trio out of the dorm, and through the campus library where she destroyed several shelves with energy blasts, eventually firing wide and blasting a hole in the library wall. Her quarry fled through the opening and Mikaela hotwired a car. Catching up with them, Alice leaped onto the hood and tried to get at Sam by smashing through the windshield. Mikaela tried to shake Alice off by driving, but had no luck until she rammed the car, and thus killing the Decepticon infiltrator. Mikaela sped off, making sure to grind what was left of Alice under the car’s tires on the way.
Related Photos
In our gallery, you can find production stills, filming / on set photos, screen captures (blu-ray), deleted scenes, posters and artwork and featurettes from “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”. To open the gallery cateogry in a new tab, click one of the thumbnails !

Trivia & Goofs
- For the scene where Bumblebee blasts Sam’s bedroom, an extension of the bedroom was built to be blown up, which would leave the original bedroom unscathed. But when the extension was blown up, part of the attic caught fire and the local fire department had to be called.
- The college scenes were shot at both the University of Pennsylvania and the Princeton University. However, neither school is named in the film, as both schools felt that the Judy Witwicky scenes were damaging to their image.
- Attending a preview of the film, Steven Spielberg is reported to have said upon seeing Devastator in Operation Firestorm, “That is fucking awesome!” Michael Bay was proud of the fact that he could make the normally well-mannered Spielberg swear.
- On July 27, 2008, Shia LaBeouf and Isabel were in a car crash. One of LaBeouf’s hands required surgery. Production was only delayed two days; Michael Bay filmed second unit scenes, and LaBeouf recovered a few weeks earlier than expected. Bay wanted the hand injury to be written into the story, but Roberto Orci said re-writes were done to protect his hand for the remainder of the shoot.
- It took 140 terabytes to process the CGI for all the robots in this film
- Released on the 25th anniversary of “The Transformers (1984).”
- A single IMAX shot (df250) would take almost three years to render on a top-of-the-line home PC running nonstop. If the entire movie was rendered on a modern home PC, you would’ve had to start 16,000 years ago (when cave paintings like the Hall of Bulls were created) to finish for this year’s premiere.
- Shooting started the day after Transformers (2007) won the MTV Movie Award for Best Movie.
- Over 1.25 million feet of film were shot.
- In Sam’s dorm room, there is a theatrical film poster of Bad Boys II (2003), another film directed by Michael Bay.
- According to Michael Bay, the scene with Sam’s baby booties was inspired by a personal experience in 2006, where his own mother found his baby shoes and gave them back to him.
- Steve Jablonsky brought in his mentor Hans Zimmer and the rock band Linkin Park to assist in composing the musical score. The trio collaborated on making a musical score set to the band’s song “New Divide.”
- Rumors claimed that Teresa Palmer (who later co-stared with Isabel in “Knight of Cups”) was originally cast as Alice, but Michael Bay claims on his blog that she was never considered.
- This was Isabel’s first released film!
- Alice is classified as a Pretender, a robot that maintains a bio-organic shell.
- When Leo and Alice find Sam writing Cybertronian symbols on the walls, on small bits throughout the scene you can see that Sam’s got Cybertronian marks in his arms (the ones he shows to the twins later in the film); yet he doesn’t get them until some 6 or 7 minutes after, when Megatron holds his arms with his claws.
- When Sam is kissing Alice on the bed there’s a fan in the window, but when Mikaela comes back into the room and throws the box with Wheelie in it at Alice the window is closed and the fan is leaning against the wall.
- In Sam’s dorm room, there is a white mini fridge at the foot of his bed, flat against the wall under the Cloverfield poster. However, when Sam rushes after Mikaela just as Alice’s ‘tongue’ grabs hold of his neck, that fridge has moved to in front of the closet door, but it moves back to its original position thereafter.
- At the frat party, when Alice pushes Sam’s chair up against the bar counter, there is a girl wearing a pink tank top leaning back on the counter, but in the next shot she has been instantly replaced by another girl wearing a blue top.
- When Alice and Leo walk in on Sam in the symbol filled dorm room, on the wall at the head of Sam’s bed are three small-to-medium sized framed photos of Sam and Mikaela hanging vertically. After Alice pushes Leo out of the room, the frames change. Now there are two large and medium frames hanging vertically and another medium frame hanging horizontally.
- After Mikaela throws the metal box at Alice and breaks the window, when Sam runs out of his dorm room screaming we see (and have seen multiple times prior to this) the wall and bathroom door opposite his door. Oddly enough, in the next shot from the hallway, Sam, Mikaela and Leo are actually leaving from a door that’s farther down the hallway. Sam’s actual door is the first one on the right, opposite the bathroom door.
- When Alice and Leo walk in on Sam’s symbol filled dorm room, certain posters either suddenly appear on the wall, or vanish, or reappear ripped, between shots.
• Alice: How about tonight, you pretend I’m your girlfriend, and I pretend that you’re my boyfriend?
• Sam Witwicky: [to Alice and Leo as they enter the room to find he’s written in Cybertronian all over the walls] Hey! You ever have a song stuck in your head? Its like the worst song ever, but you cant help but whistle it or sing it cause it repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself, repeats itself. Kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar, kitten calendar.
• Leo Spitz: Dude, what the eff?
• Sam Witwicky: I know you’re freaking out. Don’t freak out. Don’t freak out. Easy fix. Puzzle code in my head. Now it’s on the walls. Everything is good.
[Mikaela catches Sam with Alice]
• Alice: Is that your girlfriend?
• Mikaela Banes: EX!
• Sam Witwicky: [about the kiss from Alice] You ever had your stomach tongued by a mountain ox with a five-foot tongue? It’s fun for me, okay, Mikaela? And it smelled like… Like diesel! Like a diesel-y tinge to it!
• Mikaela Banes: You’re such a little girl!
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Isabel’s main scenes as Alice in Transformers: Revenge of The Fallen from 2009.
The battle for Earth continues in this action-packed blockbuster from director Michael Bay and executive producer Steven Spielberg. When college-bound Sam Witwicky (Shia LaBeouf) learns the truth about the ancient origins of the Transformers, he must accept his destiny and join Optimus Prime® and Bumblebee® in their epic battle against the Decepticons®, who have returned stronger than ever with a plan to destroy our world.
Isabel Lucas interview on ROVE (live in studio with Rove McManus) promoting her movie Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
View all “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” clips and promotional videos (including press) here.
Related Press
View all “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” articles, interviews and reviews here.