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Michael Bay Admits ‘Transformers 2’ Was ‘Crap’

Michael Bay Admits 'Transformers 2' Was 'Crap'

The director blames it on the writers’ strike, claiming he was forced to have a story in three weeks.

Moviemaker Michael Bay has accepted that a mystical part in his “Transformers” sequel was “crap”, insisting the 2007/2008 writers strike turned the film into a rushed mess. Bay is back in the director’s chair for the third film, “Transformers: Dark of the Moon”, and he insists that’s a must-see movie, whereas his last effort was not.

He tells Britain’s Empire film magazine, “We made some mistakes. The real fault with [‘Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen’] is that it ran into a mystical world. When I look back at it, that was crap. The writers’ strike was coming hard and fast. It was just terrible to do a movie where you’ve got to have a story in three weeks. I was prepping a movie for months where I only had 14 pages of some idea of what the movie was. It’s a BS way to make a movie.”

The film’s star Shia LaBeouf has agreed with his director’s comments – when asked about “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen”, the actor recently said, “We got lost. We tried to get bigger. It’s what happens to sequels. It’s like, how do you top the first one? You’ve got to go bigger. Mike went so big that it became too big, and I think you lost the anchor of the movie… You lost a bit of the relationships. Unless you have those relationships, then the movie doesn’t matter. Then it’s just a bunch of robots fighting each other.”