Welcome to Unicorn, your one and only resource for the talented Aussie actress Isabel Lucas, known from "Home & Away", "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", "MacGywer" and "Careful What You Wish For". Here you can find detailed information, exclusive high quality photos, all the latest news, as well as other multimedia such as videos, audio files and graphics. I hope you will enjoy the site, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Make sure to bookmark us, and check back!
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Why actress Isabel Lucas is happy to stay out of the spotlight

Why actress Isabel Lucas is happy to stay out of the spotlight

IN an era when celebrities put all their energy into courting the press and broadening their fame, Isabel Lucas refreshingly shuns it.

“I like to keep relatively separate from the buzz and keep grounded,” Lucas told Confidential.

“I prioritise what is important to me and there is a lot happening in the world right now that is distracting us from the more important issues on the planet.

“I don’t want to be part of the distraction, I want to be part of the solution and keeping positive.”

Instead of consistently chasing fame and her next big gig, Lucas, who has starred in Hollywood blockbusters including Transformers and Immortals, focuses on giving back to society.

“I am very aware of balance and how to balance all my different passions and what I want to contribute to society,” Lucas, who is the face of skincare brand Santé, said.

“I enjoy other sides of life, not only work, because that is what feeds and stimulates my creativity,” the 32-year-old said.

“I get a lot of nourishment from diary writing and reflecting and slowing down.”

Despite being very careful about who and what she lends her name to, the angelic-looking Lucas has recently signed on as ambassador for handcrafted, natural skincare brand Santé by ENJO.

“I have always been really drawn to environmentally-friendly products and I love the integrity of the Santé brand and the products that they make,” she said.

“It’s awesome to be able to work with a brand that cares about its footprint on the planet. For me, I love that about Santé.”