Welcome to Unicorn, your one and only resource for the talented Aussie actress Isabel Lucas, known from "Home & Away", "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", "MacGywer" and "Careful What You Wish For". Here you can find detailed information, exclusive high quality photos, all the latest news, as well as other multimedia such as videos, audio files and graphics. I hope you will enjoy the site, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Make sure to bookmark us, and check back!
Spotlight on .. Isabel's Poetry

Isabel Supports .. Flowhive

Honey on tap directly from your beehive. Passionate about beekeeping, bees and native pollinators, innovation and education.
Teen Power! The Celeb difference (Disney Girl AU Feature)

Teen Power! The Celeb difference (Disney Girl AU Feature) *Unicorn Exclusive*

We usually see celebs looking glam and strutting their stuff on the red carpet. But these famous teens always find time in their busy schedules for heaps of charity work. Here’s how they’re changing the world, one step at a time…

Isabel Lucas
Aussie Actress, Age 19.
Isabel plays the role of tasha Andrews on the TV show Home and Away. At only 19 years old she won a Silver Logie for Best New Talent. But it’s not all celeb glamour and award shows for this starlet; Isabel’s also passionate about helping the less fortunate.

“It’s very rewarding for me to be able to do charity appearances”

Isabel sponsors two girls in Africa through World Vision; Mary in Uganda and Asanath in Kenya. She even dedicated her Logie to her two new friends! “We always had sponsor children in my family,” Isabel says. “I thought, as soon as I get my own pay, I’m going to have my own (sponsored) kids. That’s who I dedicated my Logie to. I’d love to go over there one day and meet them, and so some sponsorship things – not only for sponsor children, but I’d love to do something for World Vision or Greenpeace.”

Isabel also flashed her pearly whites as an ambassador for National Smile Day. She helped raise money for the Clown Doctors who are dedicated to bringing smiles to sick kids everywhere! “It’s very rewarding for me to be able to do charity appearances,” Isabel says. “If you have that public image I think it’s really important to use that.”