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Labeouf Urged To Run Away From Crash Scene

Labeouf Urged To Run Away From Crash Scene

Latest: Shia Labeouf’s starstruck crash victim urged the actor to flee the scene of his Sunday morning car crash.

Brian Perrulli, one of the first bystanders on the scene when Labeouf’s truck was overturned following the incident, says everyone realised the actor was badly hurt and had been drinking, and the other motorist suggested the star should make a run for it.

The eyewitness says, “The other guy was saying, `Maybe you should go, maybe you should get outta here,’ and he (Labeouf) said, ‘No, I’ve gotta deal with this… It’s my problem.'”

Labeouf was later booked and cited for misdemeanour drink driving. He also endured “extensive surgery” for a bad hand injury he picked up in the crash.

Meanwhile, the actor’s passenger at the time of the crash has been identified as his Transformers 2 co-star Isabel Lucas.

The two pals had just left the Troubadour club after checking out new band the Lemon Son.