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Labeouf Had No Idea His Hand Was Smashed After Crash

Labeouf Had No Idea His Hand Was Smashed After Crash

Shia Labeouf had no idea he’d smashed his left hand to smithereens in a near-fatal car accident in July because he was too concerned about his passenger, actress Isabel Lucas.

The movie star flipped his truck twice after he collided with another vehicle in Hollywood.

He has since undergone surgery on his hand and must now undergo a second procedure so he can have full functionality again.

But he admits that, immediately after the crash, he had no idea that he needed hand-saving surgery.

He says, “You’re in fight or flight mode. There was a lot going on.

“It hit on her (Lucas) side, so I was extremely fearful of that and then it was about getting her out, getting the people in the other car out, and only after everything’s settled, then you realise what’s happened.”

The other driver, Simon Herbert has been cited for running a red light and causing the 70 mile-per-hour crash.