Australian actress Isabel Lucas (Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen and Red Dawn)
makes a plea to the public to support Sea Shepherd
The story behind the video
The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is proud to announce the Australian launch of our new “Save the Whales” public service announcement (PSA) featuring renowned actress Isabel Lucas.
The announcement is work of Melbourne advertising agency Starship who approached Sea Shepherd with the concept for the awareness campaign.
Starship’s Managing Director Geoffrey McDonald Bowll said his team felt compelled to support Sea Shepherd’s work protecting the oceans.
“Starship wanted to design, build and promote a PSA for Sea Shepherd to raise much needed funds to shut down whaling in Australia’s Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary,” said Geoffrey.
“We hope that through our support and this announcement, one day Sea Shepherd will have an entire fleet of vessels defending the oceans for future generations,” he added.
Along with Geoffrey McDonald Bowll and Production Manager Matthew Peek, the team at Starship worked tirelessly to put together three storyboards, which were then put through rigorous testing to come up with a final design.
All that was then needed was the right voice to speak out for the whales.
Isabel Lucas
Sea Shepherd could not think of a more brave, passionate and dedicated activist and friend of the whales, than Isabel Lucas, also known for her role in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen.
Isabel has stepped up for duty for the oceans numerous times, including raising international awareness by attempting to stop annual slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan in 2007.
Despite a busy filming schedule on the set of the Wolverine Production of Red Dawn in the United States, Isabel readily made herself available to become the face of Sea Shepherd’s “Save the Whales” announcement.
Isabel LucasWith the recent loss of the Ady Gil, Sea Shepherd is now back down to two vessels, the Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin, up against nine vessels of the illegal Japanese whaling fleet.
Sea Shepherd is hoping to raise the funds to even up the odds in defense of the great whales in the Antarctic Whale Sanctuary.
Thank you to our volunteers
Sea Shepherd would like to thank the following compassionate and dedicated people who all volunteered their time and resources for making this project a reality:
Geoffrey McDonald Bowll, Mathew Peek, Louise Cavallo and the team at Starship
Isabel Lucas
Sharron Meissner of Meissner Management – Theatrical Agents
Tristan, Stephen and Polly from Bang Bang Studios
David from Famous by Tuesday Post Production Services
“When you see the amazing finished product and know all the people that have been involved in this project, its humbling to know that the entire process was at no cost to the organisation from start to finish. The support Sea Shepherd receives never ceases to amaze me and its been a honour and privilege working with everyone involved in a bid to save our oceans for future generations. – Jeff Hansen”