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Actress Isabel Lucas says she is fully vaccinated against everything EXCEPT Covid – and insists she is not anti-vax but ‘pro-choice’

Actress Isabel Lucas says she is fully vaccinated against everything EXCEPT Covid - and insists she is not anti-vax but 'pro-choice'

Isabel Lucas has revealed that she is not ‘anti-vax’ – just against the Covid-19 vaccine. In a comment shared on her Instagram this week, the former Home and Away star, 36, said she is ‘pro-choice’.

To be transparent, I have actually been vaccinated my whole life, I’m pro-choice‘ she wrote.

It comes after the star joined hundreds of anti-vaxxers at a rally to protest Australia’s Covid-19 vaccine mandates at the New South Wales-Queensland border last week.

She followed the event’s memo to ‘wear white in solidarity’, and shared photos of her fellow anti-vaxxers to her Instagram Stories.

The protest was part of a series of rallies across the country against mandatory Covid-19 vaccinations for certain industries and occupations.

Last year, Isabel hit headlines when she shared dangerous anti-vaccination views on Instagram while commenting on a post by conspiracy theorist Pete Evans.

Throwing her support behind the former MKR judge, she wrote: ‘Freedom of choice is every human’s right. I don’t trust the path of vaccination.‘ Isabel later clarified her remarks on Instagram, saying she has ‘concerns around “mandatory” vaccination, not vaccination itself’.

Isabel has a long history of activism dating back to 2007, when she and fellow actress Hayden Panettiere joined activists on surfboards to try and stop a pod of dolphins being slaughtered in Japan.

In 2020, Isabel also attended a ‘peaceful’ anti-5G protest in Byron Bay, marching from the Jing Organics health food store to the proposed location of a 5G tower.