The World Wide Fund for Nature is an international non-governmental organization founded in 1961 that works in the field of wilderness preservation and the reduction of human impact on the environment. It was formerly named the World Wildlife Fund, which remains its official name in Canada and the United States.
In 2006, Isabel joined forces with WWF to help save the leatherback turtle. The mission was to raise awareness about the endangered species, as well as make fans aware that individuals’ actions can help the environment. “We have never been in a situation before where the choices and actions of one generation have such an impact on our future,” Isabel told Aussie newspaper The Sunday Telegraph in April, 2006. “We can’t afford to wait until governments and leaders show some responsibility. It’s time for individual action.”
In 2021, Isabel was also a part of WWF’s “I will if you Will” campaign, which served as a promotional campaign for the 2012 Earth Hour. Earth Hour is a WWF event that is held every year, and is currently the world’s largest mass participation event that has become the iconic symbol of people’s commitment to protect the planet.

Related Links:
– Photos: The WWF category in our gallery
– Video: Isabel’s 2012 Earth Hour video
– Website: WWF Official Website
Honey on tap directly from your beehive! Passionate about beekeeping, bees and native pollinators, innovation and education. Flow is a revolutionary beehive invention, allowing you to harvest honey without opening the hive and with minimal disturbance to the bees.
I love the magical way bees embody the art of collaborative service. Each with their unique role. I began learning beekeeping in my 20’s in LA when I adopted a traditional langstroth beehive. I still find it amazing that this earth would not have blueberries, cherries, cucumbers, avocado, apples, oranges (the list goes on) if it weren’t for these sweet pollinators.
Did you know, bees pollinate at least one in 3 bites of the food we eat and 90% of our wild plants? They are a vital part of our world and are facing an alarming decline.
If you’re curious to become a bee steward, @flowhive offer courses and starting kits. @Flowhive use all certified sustainable timber, made made in Australia. The pollinators will thank you with their humming song of peace, and gifts of raw honey.
More information coming soon…
Important Links:
– 10 Easy Ways To Help The Bees
– FlowHives Linktree (Many useful links!)
OZ Quest
Ozquest’s core competency is organising expeditions for young people. It’s vision is to be recognised and respected as an organisation that challenges and improves young people whilst contributing to the global community. It enables young people to discover their potential through expeditions to “challenging” countries such as Vietnam, Nepal and Borneo. These expedition involve adventure, science and community service. Ozquest is limited to those aged between 18-30. It is affordable and accessible. It offers a balance between fun and hard work. It encourages involvement by all and recognition of achievements (big and small). It encourages initiative, leadership, teamwork, trust and respect for the individual. It offers the chance to learn from each other and the surroundings in which they are in.
In 2006/2007, Isabel worked with OZ Quest to help herd Elephants in outer Namibia. “The elephants were metres from us as we were trekking in the wilderness. We had to be so careful, it was incredible and nerve-racking,” Isabel said about the project. Isabel was in Namibia to do volunteer community work for two months. She’d signed up with Ozquest: Young Australian Adventures, an organization for 18 to 30-year-olds that offers programs to achieve the Duke of Edinburgh’s Award. “Its aim is to combine adventure travel with volunteer community work,’ Isabel said following the trip. “They travel to developing countries and set up projects that will have an immediate impact on the local people. “My sister Nina went to Nepal with Ozquest three years ago and I’d been wanting to do something similar since.”
When her contract with Home and Away expired, Isabel – ignoring film and TV offers – couldn’t wait to get away and forget showbiz for a while. ‘Its important when you’re young to experience different countries through travel; it gives you a greater perspective on life and yourself,’ she reflects. With best friend Zoe, Isabel joined eight other young Aussies on an African adventure, and the group bonded over campfire meals at their base on the outskirts of Windhoek, the nation’s capital.
‘I loved our group,’ she smiles. ‘We formed deep friendships.’ Isabel’s first project was to help build a water trough for roaming elephants near one of the villages. ‘The wild elephants are a huge threat to the communities when they come to seek water,’ she explains. ‘Our job was to build a large trough at a safe distance from the people to divert the elephants.’
For 10 days they toiled, collecting rocks and sand and mixing cement to build a jumbo-sized drinking fountain. ‘We were up at 5am to be at work an hour later,’ she recalls. ‘It was very hot – up to 45 degrees. It was hard physical work but it felt rewarding as we knew what a significant difference we were making to the people there.’
Isabel’s next task was to turn a patch of sand into a vegetable and fruit garden. ‘This project was situated in Sossusvlei, where the largest sand dunes in the world are. If you saw the area we were working on you wouldn’t have believed it was possible!’ she says. The final phase for the group was a grueling eight-day trek. ‘We carried our backpacks with bare essentials and eight litres of water through the African wilderness,’ she says.
‘We’d often go for days without bathing and we all suffered blisters and were physically exhausted, which was all part of the experience.’ Now back in Australia, Isabel is turning her attentions once again to acting. ‘I’m currently doing drama studies and I’ll be auditioning for some local and international films as well as considering theatre,’ she says.
Currumbin wildlife sanctuary
Currumbian Wildlife Sanctuary has been conserving native wildlife and nurturing the local indigenous heritage for over 70 years. This regional treasure has also been educating and entertaining families and tourists from all across the globe. The animal attraction is at the heart of Gold Coast history.
More information coming soon…