The Transparentsea Voyage highlights the efforts of a group of athletes, musicians, celebrities and artists on a campaign aimed at focusing attention on coastal environmental issues. Witness the trip unfold through the creation of song as this “behind the music” look at focused activism revealed how our connection to the planet changed and educated the participants involved as well as those that followed the journey from around the world.
Experience the voyage from start to finish as the crew traced the southern migration of the California Grey & Blue Whale from Santa Barbara to the US Border in six tandem kayaks. It all started with a goal of engaging key coastal communities and ended with a big helping of self-discovery for everyone involved…
You can purchase the soundtrack here. It was released with a statement saying “Band of Frequencies & friends with special appearances by Angus Stone, Dave Rastovich, Chris Del Moro, Will Conner, Isabel Lucas, Lauren Hill, Greg Sheehan, Nick Garbett, Hilton Dawe, Catherine Clark, Denny Auberg, Rusty Miller and Al Hicks.” Isabel can be seen in the background when they record some of the songs in the documentary, so while she’s not featured clearly in any of the songs, she is likely participating in the background vocals/instruments.
For all original recordings of the ’23 Songs in 23 Days’, Information of the story behind the songs & lyrics to the songs go to: note: All 23 Songs were written, recorded & uploaded to this website each day of the Transparent Voyage (Santa Barbara to San Diego, California, USA. Sept. – September 1 to September 23 2011)
- Despite being among the few regularly linked to this documentary – the film’s IMDB profile only lists 3 credits, Isabel being one of them, and Amazon even have her name in the URL following the documentary title – Isabel’s part is not actually big. She’s seen in a couple of scenes with her boyfriend at the time Angus Stone, and the documentary also features clips from Dave and Isabel’s 2007 protest with Save the Whales Again in Taiji, Japan.

Media links:
» Gallery: Screen captures from the documentary
» Gallery: Photos taken during the voyage