Welcome to Unicorn, your one and only resource for the talented Aussie actress Isabel Lucas, known from "Home & Away", "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen", "MacGywer" and "Careful What You Wish For". Here you can find detailed information, exclusive high quality photos, all the latest news, as well as other multimedia such as videos, audio files and graphics. I hope you will enjoy the site, and don’t hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions or concerns. Make sure to bookmark us, and check back!
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Ocean Conservation

I’d do anything for Charity
– Isabel (jokingly) when asked if she’d pose nude for Charity on Rove, 2009

Sea Shepherd

Sea Shepherd is an international, non-profit marine conservation organization that engages in direct action campaigns to defend wildlife, and conserve and protect the world’s oceans from illegal exploitation and environmental destruction.

In 2009, Isabel filmed a PSA for the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society. During her appearance on “Rove Live” to promote “Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen” (June 14, 2009), Isabel mentioned that she would love to support the organisation. The Australian director of Sea Shepherd, Jeff Hansen, explained that they got her on board for a 30 seconds long PSA, which was filmed during the winter of 2009, and the advert came out while Isabel was climbing Kilimanjaro with “Summit on the Summit”. Jeff Hansen further stated that Isabel didn’t charge them a single cent for her time and work. Their press release said the following about Isabel: “Sea Shepherd could not think of a more brave, passionate and dedicated activist and friend of the whales, than Isabel Lucas, also known for her role in Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen. Isabel has stepped up for duty for the oceans numerous times, including raising international awareness by attempting to stop annual slaughter of dolphins in Taiji, Japan in 2007. Despite a busy filming schedule on the set of the Wolverine Production of Red Dawn in the United States, Isabel readily made herself available to become the face of Sea Shepherd’s Save the Whales announcement. With the recent loss of the Ady Gil, Sea Shepherd is now back down to two vessels, the Bob Barker and the Steve Irwin, up against nine vessels of the illegal Japanese whaling fleet.”

The story behind the video
“The Sea Shepherd Conservation Society is proud to announce the Australian launch of our new “Save the Whales” public service announcement (PSA) featuring renowned actress Isabel Lucas.

The announcement is work of Melbourne advertising agency Starship who approached Sea Shepherd with the concept for the awareness campaign. Starship’s Managing Director Geoffrey McDonald Bowll said his team felt compelled to support Sea Shepherd’s work protecting the oceans.

“Starship wanted to design, build and promote a PSA for Sea Shepherd to raise much needed funds to shut down whaling in Australia’s Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary,” said Geoffrey.

“We hope that through our support and this announcement, one day Sea Shepherd will have an entire fleet of vessels defending the oceans for future generations,” he added.

Along with Geoffrey McDonald Bowll and Production Manager Matthew Peek, the team at Starship worked tirelessly to put together three storyboards, which were then put through rigorous testing to come up with a final design. All that was then needed was the right voice to speak out for the whales.”

In addition to the PSA, Isabel later also modelled T-shirts for the brand, were the profits would go to the organisation and their work. Photos from both the PSA and T-shirts can be found here. In 2013, Isabel once again appeared in a TV ad for the organisation, which ran across the Southern Cross network during September and October 2013 (screen captures here).

In 2018, Sea Shepherd congratulated Isabel on her birthday, saying “Big Happy Birthday shoutout to Isabel Lucas from Sea Shepherd!! Thank you for being such an amazing supporter! We really appreciate all that you do!“. When the organisation did a journey to raise awareness for the proposed disatrous Carmichael Adani coal mine later that same year, Isabel took to her social media to promote their work:

Sea Shepherd’s M/Y Steve Irvin is journeying along the coast from Melbourne, Victoria, to Abbot Point, Queensland, to raise awareness for the proposed disastrous Carmichael Adani coal mine that would put our Great Barrier Reef under the most serious threat. Home to reefs, corals, colourful fish, endangered turtles, dolphins, whales and sharks the GBR would have to endure much increased ship traffic and above all more carbon emissions in the atmosphere from the burning of coal causing global warming, bleaching, and death to the reef. Please, welcome the Sea Shepherd crew and visit the ship.

  • Added: Oct 19, 2021   |   Duration: 00:31   |   Views: 2579
    Isabel Lucas wants you to help us save whales - PSA for "Sea Shepherd" 2010.

Related Links
Sea Shepherd’s Official Website
Sea Shepherd’s Official Twitter
Related press articles
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Protect our coral sea

Our Coral Sea is a beacon of hope. It is one of the last places on Earth where ocean giants – sharks, tuna, marlin – still abound and its vibrant coral reefs still pulse with the rhythm of life. The Coral Sea Marine Reserve is an important step towards safe-guarding this marine jewel for the future. From thickly forested islands to small sandy cays, beautiful coral reefs and yet to be explored reef slopes and deep sea canyons; the Coral Sea contains 49 different habitats and supports over 300 different threatened species. Protection of this special and important part of Australia would provide a safe haven for its marine life and a globally significant ocean legacy for generations to come.

In 2011, Isabel helped “Protect Our Coral Sea” fight to preserve Australia’s Coral Sea by having it declared a protected marine park. The organisation created a campaign urging government officials to regulate the amount of fishing and seabed mining in the Coral Sea, which lies just off Australia’s north-east coast, and Isabel helped raise awareness to the campaign.

In a blog for the Huffington Post, she wrote, “When I learned that only one per cent of Australia’s Coral Sea was protected, I was stunned. I’ve become passionately involved with the Protect Our Coral Sea initiative, which aims to create the largest marine park in the world. It would protect a huge diversity of habitats from tropical coral reefs, to species living in the open ocean, to a huge pool of biodiversity living in the depths of the ocean that we don’t even know about yet. It would serve as a place for inspiration, enjoyment and where the ocean’s species – whales, dolphins, sea turtles, rays – will all have a safe haven forever.

Together with her then-boyfriend Angus Stone, Isabel also shot and shared a music video where they encouraged fans to join them in their fight. It was titled “Coral Sea Love“, and featued Julia Stone’s song “In The City of Lights”. The video was uploaded to ProtectOurCoralSea’s official Youtube account on June 3rd, 2011, with the accompanying text “Protect our Coral Sea gives everyone a ‘don’t it always seem to go that you don’t know what you got ’til it’s gone’ opportunity to protect our precious Coral Sea for our children’s children to enjoy. We believe it is our duty, together, to protect & love these beautiful sea creatures and their ecosystems living in this great oceanic garden” written by Isabel and Angus. The further encouraged people to send a submission to Environment Minister Tony Burke at www.protectourcoralsea.org.au.

In November, 2011, it was announced that “The Australian government has announced plans to establish the world’s largest protected marine area in the Coral Sea”, proving the campaign succesful.

Action for Dolphins

Action for Dolphins, formerly known as ‘Australia for Dolphins’, is an animal welfare charity committed to achieving international protection for small cetaceans. The organisation aims to end dolphin hunting and captivity, by using legal action and strategic advocacy.

In 2016, Isabel filmed an ad for Action for Dolphins where she protested dolphin captivity. The ad, which ran for three weeks through the holiday period in 2016, launched across the north coast of NSW and primarily targeted Coffs Harbour’s Dolphin Marine Magic – one of two venues along side Sea World on the Gold Coast which still holds captive dolphins. Isabel has also repetedly shared and promoted the work of AFD on her instagram profile.

‘As some of you may know, I care deeply about dolphins. In 2007 I went to Taiji, Japan, to witness the cruel dolphins hunts and slaughters there, but the thing is, dolphins are also being treated cruelly back home. They are being bred in tiny, chlorinated tanks and made to perform. They never get to know the ocean, many suffer anxiety and mostly they die young. That is why I’m behind @australiafordolphins efforts to introduce a law to end dolphin captivity.’

  • Added: Nov 25, 2021   |   Duration: 00:30   |   Views: 1731
    Actor and dolphin advocate Isabel Lucas speaks out against dolphin captivity in an Australia-first television ad for Action for Dolphins.
  • Added: Oct 19, 2021   |   Duration: 00:17   |   Views: 2227
    "Behind the scenes with actor and dolphin advocate Isabel Lucas, filming our exciting new TV ad against dolphin captivity. THANK YOU to everyone who chipped in and supported the Pozible campaign - you made this possible!"

Related Links:
Action for Dolphins Official Website